What cover do I receive?
NurseWise covers Nurses and other Allied Health Professionals for their conduct in the course of their professional duties including;
- nursing care,
- the provision of related services, and
- nurse education or training.
Master Policy Limits
Nurses Professional Indemnity:
$20 Million any one claim during the insurance period ($60 Mil in the aggregate) for damages and legal fees if you are sued for professional negligence Excess $250.
You are covered for any negligent act, error or omission in the performance of your professional duties and also arising from treatment administered at the scene of an emergency (Good Samaritan). Libel, slander, defamation & breach of confidentiality.
Nurses Public Liability Insurance:
$20 Million any one incident.
Legal Expenses:
$500,000 in total in any one year of insurance protecting your professional reputation, proceedings against you including investigations, Coroners & Nurse Board inquiries, advice on prospective claims and on giving expert evidence.
The above limits are “shared limits” not individual limits.